IAB UK Guide to our Groups

IAB英国集团为我们的会员提供定期的机会,与其他业内领先的成员一起建立网络, share ideas, collaborate on challenges, and tackle big industry issues

这些组织为IAB英国成员提供了一个论坛,以制定标准,并提供有关其专业的教育和鼓舞人心的资源, 哪些是一家公司无法单独完成的. 

要了解更多彩乐园dsn的小组或参与电子邮件 [email protected]




Find out more about digital audio here.

This group is led by Catherine Cribbin. Get in touch at c[email protected]


Creator Marketing


This group is led by Connie Hawker. Get in touch at [email protected]


Connected TV 

互联电视集团的作用是促进合作, provide education, 协助中央电视台频道的标准化工作.

This group is led by Connie Hawker. Get in touch at [email protected]


Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) 

通过展示DOOH作为一个渠道的有效性来推动DOOH的增长, within an omnichannel strategy, 提升程序化DOOH的能力.

Find out more about DOOH here.

This group is led by Amelia Lloyd. Get in touch at [email protected]



通过向品牌推广机会来支持游戏广告的发展, 展示该渠道的有效性,并将游戏与其他媒体渠道结合起来.

Find out more about gaming here.

This group is led by Amelia Lloyd. Get in touch at [email protected]


Inclusion, Diversity & Equity  


Members share the work they have done in this space, 合作制作有用的最佳实践指南,并了解相关计划. 

这个小组是为任何在实施包容方面发挥积极作用的人准备的, 企业内部的多元化和公平计划,可以促进交流,分享经验. Find out more about the Inclusion, Diversity & Equity group here.

This group is led by Sophia Haynes. Get in touch at [email protected] 



洞察小组为成员提供了一个深入了解IAB研究计划的论坛, advise on projects where appropriate, 与志同道合的听众讨论挑战.

Get in touch at [email protected]



这个小组是为在英国北部工作的IAB成员准备的, 其作用是促进和支持北方的数字产业.  

This group is led by Neeral Patel. Get in touch at [email protected]


Regulatory Affairs & Public Policy


涵盖的领域包括行业自律, the Government’s Online Advertising Programme, data protection reform, online safety, HFSS and transparency.

该小组由我们的政策和法规事务团队领导. For more information, contact [email protected] 


Retail Media

IAB UK Retail Media Group的作用是通过关注零售媒体和教育市场有关该领域的机会来影响行业的发展方向.

Find out more about Retail Media here.

This group is led by Catherine Cribbin. Get in touch at c[email protected]




This group is led by Catherine Cribbin. Get in touch at c[email protected]



Social Group的角色是确保付费社交游戏的投资, 在整个流程中提供教育和证据,以促进其效益和有效性. 

This group is led by Neeral Patel. Get in touch at [email protected]



该小组的目的是帮助IAB英国成员了解他们如何才能最好地减少碳排放并履行他们在数字媒体供应链中的环境承诺. 成员合作制定最佳实践指南, share the work they have done in this space, 了解相关举措,并努力在快速发展的生态系统中创建标准化. 该小组向所有IAB英国成员开放,并且非常适合在确定和影响公司气候战略方面发挥积极作用的团队成员.

Find out more about the Sustainability Group here.

This group is led by Sophia Haynes. Get in touch at Sophia@kayleepowerequipments.net


Ad Tech Taskforces

Post Third-Party Cookie (P3PC)

该工作组将与IAB英国成员就解决“无饼干”世界的解决方案进行磋商. 它将作为内审局在这一领域工作的传声板, 同时也推动了行业关于未来目标的讨论. 该工作组将对IAB英国创建的P3PC输出至关重要. 

Get in touch at [email protected]


Gold Standard

黄金 标准 小组 的目的是通过咨询过程来帮助指导 dsn彩乐园网址的发展, advising and making recommendations. 它的重点将涵盖dsn彩乐园网址的所有领域,包括品牌安全, user experience, ad fraud and data and privacy. 该组织将参与金本位制的演变, 包括任何必要的更新-例如, the Transparency & Consent Framework update. 

要加入dsn彩乐园网址集团,必须是经过认证的dsn彩乐园网址2.1 member or registered to be certified.

Get in touch at [email protected]


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Rediscover the joy of digital advertising

Champion connections instead of clicks. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. 大胆地走自己的节奏,而不是让科技设定节奏. It’s time to rediscover the joy of digital.